Frequently Asked Questions is a completely free podcast indexing and hosting site. We offer 100% free and easy hosting, with benefits such as unlimited bandwidth, effortless iTunes integration, and Google Analytics integration. indexes podcasts from around the web to make searching for favorite podcasts and discovering new ones easy. New podcasts are added daily and subscribing is easy.

For Indexed Podcasts:

If your podcast is in our index, please refer to the questions below:

Yes, we don't change the URL.
No, we reference the URL in the RSS feed every time.
No, we will never insert ads into your podcast.
If you’d like to include a backlink into your podcast, please email us the link at support(at)
We track how many times each episode was downloaded and a star rating system for each podcast. If you host your podcast with us, you can view these stats.
If you would like to claim your podcast, go to the page where your podcast is listed and click the “Claim This Podcast” link in the bottom left corner.
To remove your podcast from, click the “Remove this podcast” link on the page where your podcast is listed.
Updating your podcast’s RSS feed in iTunes is easy. Simply add a item to your RSS feed with the new URL. If you are able to, change your old RSS feed to an HTTP 301 redirect. There are more details here.
To switch your hosting to, visit our website and follow the steps under the “Signup” link in the upper right corner of the page.

For Hosted Podcasts:

If you’re considering hosting your podcasts for free with, please refer to the questions below:

To switch your hosting to, visit our website and follow the steps under the “Signup” link in the upper right corner of the page.
FEATURES Libsyn Blubrry Podbean
Unlimited bandwidth
Podcast Transcription
Live Audio Streaming
Publish to iTunes
Audience Chat
Personal Page
Some Other Fancy Feature
And One More

Claim podcast - The Joe Rogan Experience

Please make sure you are a registered user of, in case you do not already have an account please create one here.

Upon clicking submit, our team will review your request to claim this podcast. If approved, your user profile will automatically have this podcast within it for you to manage going forward. Typically turnaround time is 1 - 2 business days.

Remove podcast - The Joe Rogan Experience


Select if your are owner of this podcast?

Upon clicking submit, our team will review your request to remove this podcast. If your request is approved, this podcast will be removed from our directory. Typical turnaround time is 1 - 2 business days.